Friday 18 November 2011


Honorable Fellow Brothers/Sisters,

We have been involved in Translating Christ-Centered and Biblical Books, Tracts, Articles and Newsletters into our Native and other Languages. In 2009 Rev.Anil Jasper Translated Peggy Park's Book " The Power of the Lamb's Blood" into Urdu Language. Later on Peggy Park visited Pakistani Congregations along her Missionary Team and conducted Teaching and Preaching Sessions at several Churches, Villages and Areas. We are thankful of Peggy Park and Pastor.

Linda for their love and compassion for our Pakistani Congregations.

Why did Jesus, the Lamb of God, have to die?
“Unparalleled. Beyond must read. Every believer should want to read this. There has never before been such an in-depth study of the Blood of the Lamb –a previously untapped, underestimated topic.”
-Dudley C. Rutherford,
Senior Pastor Shepherd of the Hills,
Porter Ranch, California

“Peggy Park reminds us that the blood is a mighty force of protection as the believer declares his faith in the blood of Jesus…”
-Kay Frost
Women’s Ministry Lay Leader/Intercessor

“…powerful words to describe a powerful subject. Peggy Park weaves together the imagery of the Old Covenant with the spiritual truths of the New.”
-Rev. Tommy Hays
United Methodist Minister,
Spiritual Director and Founder,
Messiah Ministries, Lexington, KY

Rev.Anil Jasper is currently working on Many Translations to Glorify the Name of our Lord and Savior. He believes that time is coming when He will stand before Christ's Bema Seat to receive eternal rewards for his faithfulness with Lord's Work.

The Urdu version of " Power of the Lamb's Blood" has been distributed among uncountable souls.

Jesus is coming Soon!

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