Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Friday, 16 December 2011
Monday, 28 November 2011
In 2004 During his Missionary Trip for Rural and Most neglected areas of Pakistan, he started his carrier as Translator. Rev.Anil Jasper believes that when He Translate Christ_Centered and Spirit-Filled Books and other Publications then Holy Spirit guides, helps and empowers him to complete the tasks.
At present he has translated many Books into native Language. Furthermore, he is also working on many Translations to receive eternal rewards from His risen Lord of Lords and King of Kings!
At present he has translated many Books into native Language. Furthermore, he is also working on many Translations to receive eternal rewards from His risen Lord of Lords and King of Kings!
Sunday, 27 November 2011
In the end-times the Church will lose its doctrinal authority. Ergo, false teachings will be prevalent in the world.The religious deception is a sign of church downfall.
2 Timothy 4:3. For the time will come when men will not put up with
sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
We born again Christians are passing through the most astonishing era of history, in which many false religions and soul destroying hellish doctrines are surrounding everywhere we live.
There is a rise of hedonism, Paganism and other false worldviews causing a serious attack against the true Christian faith. The dark clouds of great apostasy are gathering for the final explosion of Daniel's Seventieth week.
The Prophet and disciple of Jesus Christ, St. John gave us a clear understanding about the teachings of a coming Spiritual deception in the form of ancient Arianism through Holy scriptures.
1 John 4:2-3.This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.
In the above-mentioned verses, St. John teaches the mystery of incarnation of Jesus Christ. Verse 2 explains the identity of a true believer. He is true believer who says that Jesus has born from a virgin by the supernatural intervention of Holy Spirit, the third member of Holy Trinity. Verse 3 identifies the unbeliever with his false faith. The unbeliever is completely ignorant of the doctrine of Christ's incarnation. Also they do not accept Jesus as their personal Saviour.
The Bible says "Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made."(John 1:3). This scripture shows that Jesus is the creator of the universe, mankind and the things of nature.
In the 21st century many religions do not acknowledge Jesus as Saviour of the world. They have rejected the atoning sacrifice of our Lord as the Lamb of God. For example, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and many other religions are not accepting Jesus as Saviour for the remission of their sins.
Jesus and all His disciples warned the Church. Jesus said that "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."(Matthew 7:15).The apostasy will also come within the Church. Many leaders are self appointed Pastor's and Shepherd's.
The leaders who spread false doctrines are the " ferocious wolves ". Beware of false teachers! Dr. David Jeremiah said, "The person behind the deception is none other than the enemy of our souls, Satan himself.
Since the very beginning, when he tempted Eve, one of his primary weapons has been deceit. He came to Eve as the serpent, a subtle deceiver. Revelation 12:9 speaks of him as "The great dragon was hurled downâ?"that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him."
We can also discern the true Shepherd's through their teachings about the incarnation of Christ and deity of our Lord Jesus. Our Saviour advised us "by their fruit you will recognize them."(Matthew 7:20). If someone is not providing teaching based on Jesus Christâs theology then he is proving himself false.
Satan and his minions have corrupted the minds of those people who listen to his deceptive ideas so as to continue their hell-based schemes. In relation to the end-time situation it is prophesied by our Lord Jesus Christ that "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold."(Matthew 24:12).
Like St. Peter, we must accept Jesus as the Son of the Living God and experience the citizenship of heaven kingdom while living on this planet earth (Mathew 16:13-18).
Let us love the True teachings of Holy Bible rather than following false and traditional principles which are ungodly in their essence. What do you think about Jesus is He a mere human or a perfect man and perfect God? What kind of teachings do you receive from your pastor or shepherd? Which kind of fruits do we need to discern the personality of a Prophet, Pastor and deacon?
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life"(John 14:6).Did you check your inner fidelity with our Heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ?
Jesus we thank you for letting us know that you are the only way, the living truth to enter into the heavenly Kingdom. Amen.
Friday, 18 November 2011
I live in Wah Cantt, Pakistan with my Family
2-Abraham......................Son 15 Years
3-Joshua..........................Son 13 Years
Our Personal Library consists of more than 1000 Books. We certainly use this Material bring advancement in the Kingdom of God. Rev.Anil says that if Pastor has no Library than he is like a soldier in War without his weapons.
Please do send us your Publications for following purposes:
1-Teaching and Preaching God's Prophetic Voice
2-Gospel Preaching.
Honorable Fellow Brothers/Sisters,
We have been involved in Translating Christ-Centered and Biblical Books, Tracts, Articles and Newsletters into our Native and other Languages. In 2009 Rev.Anil Jasper Translated Peggy Park's Book " The Power of the Lamb's Blood" into Urdu Language. Later on Peggy Park visited Pakistani Congregations along her Missionary Team and conducted Teaching and Preaching Sessions at several Churches, Villages and Areas. We are thankful of Peggy Park and Pastor.
Linda for their love and compassion for our Pakistani Congregations.
Why did Jesus, the Lamb of God, have to die?
“Unparalleled. Beyond must read. Every believer should want to read this. There has never before been such an in-depth study of the Blood of the Lamb –a previously untapped, underestimated topic.”
-Dudley C. Rutherford,
Senior Pastor Shepherd of the Hills,
Porter Ranch, California
“Peggy Park reminds us that the blood is a mighty force of protection as the believer declares his faith in the blood of Jesus…”
-Kay Frost
Women’s Ministry Lay Leader/Intercessor
“…powerful words to describe a powerful subject. Peggy Park weaves together the imagery of the Old Covenant with the spiritual truths of the New.”
-Rev. Tommy Hays
United Methodist Minister,
Spiritual Director and Founder,
Messiah Ministries, Lexington, KY
Rev.Anil Jasper is currently working on Many Translations to Glorify the Name of our Lord and Savior. He believes that time is coming when He will stand before Christ's Bema Seat to receive eternal rewards for his faithfulness with Lord's Work.
The Urdu version of " Power of the Lamb's Blood" has been distributed among uncountable souls.
Jesus is coming Soon!
With profound veneration's, It would be a great privilege for me to share with you my personal testimony. Since Childhood, I felt the call of Jesus Christ ministry. At the age of 14, I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior and was baptized in water and in Holy Spirit. Same year I saw Jesus Christ in a vision giving me Golden Lamp stand. In 1994, God has spoken with my mother through the two angels and guided her for God's service regarding my ministry with divine authority.
In 1997, by the grace of our Lord I was selected for the training in the Gujranwala Theological Seminary. I am greatly indebted of my all teachers and professors by whom spiritual zeal and Christian service I was able to understand the meanings of a word "Christian".
During Seminary years, I saw a man in a white dress and heard these words in my ears "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” (Revelation 3:20).
I was given very interesting topic which was related with the Book of Acts. I researched on the “Distinctive signs of Christians according to the Book of Acts".
After getting degree of Bachelor of Theology, I was appointed in the Diocese of Peshawar, Church of Pakistan for the pastoral ministry. It was the beginning of my carrier to the Pastoral Ministry. Later on, I received my both intended ordinations. I have been ordained as Deacon and then as Presbyter in the Diocese of Peshawar, Church of Pakistan
During ministerial services in these areas, I felt deep calling to preach the Prophetic Word of God with the power of the gospel message. On 24rth August 2004, I shifted to Lahore with my wife Jamila, daughter Asha, and Son's Abraham, Joshua, Elisha. My wife stayed with me, while I preached God's Word in different congregations by the good will of the Holy Spirit. It was the beginning of the End-Time evangelistic ministry.
During ministerial services in these areas, I felt deep calling to preach the Prophetic Word of God with the power of the gospel message. On 24rth August 2004, I shifted to Lahore with my wife Jamila, daughter Asha, and Son's Abraham, Joshua, Elisha. My wife stayed with me, while I preached God's Word in different congregations by the good will of the Holy Spirit. It was the beginning of the End-Time evangelistic ministry.
Our evangelistic preaching among uncountable souls is still continuing. At this time moment Christ's Two Phased comings Prophetic Messages have been proclaimed among numerous souls. I am preaching God's Word in many villages, areas, regions, cities and countries.
This is my strong belief in the Lord Jesus that Christians are passing through the closing days of grace era. The Bible says "But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. (Mathew 24:37).
The Church age will be ended at the time of rapture. At that moment millions Christian will be disappeared from this planet earth. The current events and issues are the forewarning that the Daniel's Seventieth Week is at hand: Spiritual Deception, Rise of False Christians and Leaders, Racial and Political Wars, Famines, Earthquakes, Horrible Diseases and Epidemics Anti-Semitic waves against Israel .
According to Prophecy experts and scholars moral decline is the major sign and signal of the rapture of Church to the heavenly places. The world moral system will become like the times of Prophet Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah .
The Christians are passing through the evil days. I believe that Jesus (Lamb of God), is the only source of Salvation from Sin, eternal death and hell (Acts 4:12). Jesus is the only source to enter into heavenly Father's mansions. I believe that people will not only read this book but they should accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior for the forgiveness and removal of Sins. (John 1:29).
“Power of the Lamb’s Blood" revealed the mystery of precious and holy blood. We also believe that the Blood of Jesus Christ has full power and authority to redeem, free and heal souls from every bondage. The Devil and his fallen angels cannot resist against the power of the Lambs blood. Because Christians are passing through an evil age so they are in great need to claim Lamb's Blood over their body, soul, spirit and everything. Please support our ministry in Pakistan . As due to financial disorders in Pakistan and ongoing persecution for the Church at every corner of Pakistan by unsaved souls we are facing economical crisis to feed our flock and pastors families.
I served Lord God in various Parishes as God’s Minister. I and my wife both love Out-Reach Evangelistic Ministry. At present I am serving as Priest Incharge at St.John’s Church,Haripur. This is hilly and remote area. Every Week I travel approximately 120 Km to minister our people. We visit nearly two cities and two villages to conduct Sunday Services. We travel on our God gifted Bike.
I am a married and have one daughter and four sons. Their names are mentioned below:
Asha………………..16 years
Noah………………….3 Years.
My wife's name is Jamila Anil. I live in Wah Cantt in house of rent. But our Church is located in Haripur City which is one hour far from Wah Cantt.
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